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Saturday, June 29, 2013

"Collapsible Lung" review

Relient K is about to release their ninth studio album, Collapsable Lung, and honestly probably their worst. If you have any background knowledge of the band's previous work there is a good chance you'll be disappointed.

The album starts off with one of their singles "Don't Blink" which is most likely the best track of the album. It's pop-rock sound introduces the listener to the growth (or decline) of the band over the last four years.

But then it only gets worse from here. "Boomerang" is supposed to be a summery, beach anthem that teenagers can dance to.  To me it's just annoying.

"Lost Boy"and "If I Could Take You Home" are both very juvenile overall. Everything is simple from the lyrics to the instrumental, nothing comparable with their past work.

Does it get any better by track four? NO WAY! Sure, it's okay to like ska music, we saw that in their Birds and the Bee Sides album but "Can't Complain" gives me something to complain about. I hate "feel good songs" in the first place and having Relient K say "you've gotta treat everyday like a holiday" makes me sad.

What happened to their creativity? Has their age or the hiatus drained them of their talent?

Don't even get me started with "PTL" aka part-time lover. My gosh, does Matty T really think that he's 23 instead of 33?

Like they asked back in 2008, "where do I go from here?"

Overall this album is juvenile, making music that sounds like they're much younger than they are. Even when they were in their 20s their music didn't sound like this. Yes, it was very silly but it was great. The lyrics are meaningless and certainly do not have the depth such as past songs like each track off of Forget and Not Slow Down. Also the sound has changed from rock to pop which is usually a bad thing. Sorry guys, I'm disappointed.

I've been a fan of Relient K for many years and I can say without a doubt this is their worst.

2 out of 5 stars, mates.

Paramore "Anklebiters" video and game

Paramore has been promoting their new self-titled album by releasing multiple videos and even a game!

Check out their super fun animated video for "Anklebiters" below.

As for the game, one has to sign up for their email list which can all be done through there website.

I am tired of stupid emails all the time and I really don't need Paramore updates added to me inbox.

But overall the video is cool and different, the art is fantastic.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Touche Amore announce new album

Touché Amoré  have announced their releasing a new album this fall through Deathwish Inc.

Above is the trailer which really does not reveal much about the album other than there will be music.

It will be released on September 24 and will contain 12 tracks.

Stream "Collapsable Lung"

Relient K has just released a stream of their new album Collapsable Lung through Pandora.

Check the link here!

I have not heard very good things about this album especially since Alternative Press gave it 2 1/2 stars.

After listening to tracks like "Don't Blink", "My Jam" featuring Owl City, "Lost Boy" and the title track, I cannot say that I am overly excited to hear the rest. I understand that it's been a few years since they've released any of their original work and that they don't want to make the same record again.

Just none of them resonate, they are empty tracks.  Nothing comparable to previous songs like "Death Bed""Be My Escape" and "Therapy".  And of course nobody can forget silly songs like "I'm in Love with the 80s", "Mood Rings" and "Five Iron Frenzy is Either Dead or Dying".

I haven't even listened to the full album yet and I've reviewed the whole thing!  But I will post a review this weekend so keep your eyes peeled.

If you still want to buy the album, preorders are up until the official release on July 2nd.

Monday, June 24, 2013

The World Is... "Whenever, If Ever" Review

The World is a Beautiful Place & I am No Longer Afraid to Die has just released their sophomore album Whenever, if Ever via Topshelf Records.

I just got into this band because they are coming to play in my city on their summer tour so I checked them out on Spotify.  I liked their first album Are Here to Help but the latest record has solidified my enjoyment for the band.

They have continued with their Explosions in the Sky-esq instrumentals but add in more agressive vocals than before ("Heartbeat in the Brain").  The vocals are no Nate Ruess by far but imperfect, rock n roll vox are what is popular.

In "Fightboat" they add in a fun trumpet intro and a techno, amusement park style synth making the track almost danceable.

Things slow down with finger plucking guitars, crescendos that build to nothing exciting and simple drumbeats ("Picture of a Tree that Doesn't Look Okay", "You Will Never Go to Space", "Ultimate Steve").  They are relaxing but keep the listener interested throughout the track.

I may sound like I'm being a bit harsh at times, but I mean well. This album is quite good and I have been listening to it all day, Girl Scouts honor.

3 1/2 out 5 stars.

New Norma Jean track

Where has metal band, Norma Jean been since their 2010 release Meridional? Couldn't tell ya, but I do know that they are back with a vengeance.

The Razor & Tie Records band has put out a single from their upcoming album Wrongdoers out August 6th.

It's called "If You Got It at Five, You Got It at Fifty", listen to it

I was incredibly impressed especially since NJ scared the crap out of me when I was 16. I bought their album Oh God, the Aftermath and played it once because it was too hardcore for me. Haha, oh how the times have changed!

Pre-order bundles are now available.

Monday, June 17, 2013

letlive. stream "The Blackest Beautiful"

letlive. has released their new album The Blackest Beautiful to the YouTube world a few weeks before its official release on July 9th.

Check out the stream here!

Pre-orders are still available for all over the world.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Almost stream new album

The Almost's new album Fear Inside Our Bones is out now and is available to stream via YouTube.

Check out the stream here and prepare your ear holes for bliss.

I loved their first album Southern Weather and Monster Monster did not live up to the greatness of that album.  I think that this album is what Almost fans have been waiting for.  Raw passion and rock n roll, which is what FIOB provides.

After listening I am most definitely going to buy this album!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

New letlive. Video

The insanity that is letlive. has released a new video for their song "Banshee (Ghost Fame)" off their upcoming record The Blackest Beautiful which comes out July 19th.

Frontman, Jason Aalon Butler is insane! He's going mad in this video, I can't even imagine how crazy he is at a live show. I am guessing one word: brutal.

I watched one of their videos a year or so ago and wasn't digging it at all. But after enjoying this I am certainly willing to give them a second chance!

Pre-orders are up for the entire world!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Fit for a King "Hollow King"

Somehow I forgot about one of Solid State Records' latests Fit for a King.

The band was signed a few months ago and released their second album with SS, Creation / Destruction. This record includes brutal songs like "Warparth", "Skin and Bones", and the song for their most recent video "Hollow King (Sound of the End)".

I really like the song but it's super silly that the band members are all wearing black windbreakers. Is that like a fashion statement or do they just really like them?