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Saturday, June 29, 2013

"Collapsible Lung" review

Relient K is about to release their ninth studio album, Collapsable Lung, and honestly probably their worst. If you have any background knowledge of the band's previous work there is a good chance you'll be disappointed.

The album starts off with one of their singles "Don't Blink" which is most likely the best track of the album. It's pop-rock sound introduces the listener to the growth (or decline) of the band over the last four years.

But then it only gets worse from here. "Boomerang" is supposed to be a summery, beach anthem that teenagers can dance to.  To me it's just annoying.

"Lost Boy"and "If I Could Take You Home" are both very juvenile overall. Everything is simple from the lyrics to the instrumental, nothing comparable with their past work.

Does it get any better by track four? NO WAY! Sure, it's okay to like ska music, we saw that in their Birds and the Bee Sides album but "Can't Complain" gives me something to complain about. I hate "feel good songs" in the first place and having Relient K say "you've gotta treat everyday like a holiday" makes me sad.

What happened to their creativity? Has their age or the hiatus drained them of their talent?

Don't even get me started with "PTL" aka part-time lover. My gosh, does Matty T really think that he's 23 instead of 33?

Like they asked back in 2008, "where do I go from here?"

Overall this album is juvenile, making music that sounds like they're much younger than they are. Even when they were in their 20s their music didn't sound like this. Yes, it was very silly but it was great. The lyrics are meaningless and certainly do not have the depth such as past songs like each track off of Forget and Not Slow Down. Also the sound has changed from rock to pop which is usually a bad thing. Sorry guys, I'm disappointed.

I've been a fan of Relient K for many years and I can say without a doubt this is their worst.

2 out of 5 stars, mates.

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