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Friday, December 14, 2012

Attack Attack! Bassist Leaves Band

Popular electronic/metal band, Attack Attack! is going through a line up change as of their bassist, John Holgado has chosen to leave.

In an incredibly long Facebook post (which I cannot find on FB but found here from Alternative Press) he talks about his experience over the last 5 years with AA!.

The quick version of Holgado's post is:
-he is quitting because he is clinically depressed
-he is struggling with identity, for a while he debated if he is a homosexual
-in the end he concludes that he is not
-he tells his fans to cherish your family
-his main two pieces of wisdom are: you are what you're around and you are what you think

"All good things come to an end, and now I can finally breathe."

From all of the emotion poured into this post I truly think that he is doing the right thing for his mental health. I sincerely hope that he can get his life together.

But one thing that really makes me upset is what people are saying about him and the band on their FB page. I cannot understand people who write hateful, spiteful, malicious comments just to make themselves feel better. Saying mean things does not make any situation better, it only makes it worse.

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