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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Oh, Sleeper Member Quits

Oh, Sleeper's guitarist James Erwin has decided to step down from his position in the band and move on with his life.

The former guitarist posted a Facebook status on December 1st saying that it is time for him to quit. He will be leaving after their Australia/New Zealand tour with For All Eternity and Storm the Sky.

To fill the void, bassist Nate Grady will be taking up the spot. In this video, Grady proves to his fans that he is ready to shred and is bringing his A-game!

He talks in the video that it has been his dream to play guitar for a band. He is now having his dreams come true!!

On Monday, December 3rd the band posted again on Facebook announcing Grady's promotion and also made a comment about making a new album in 2013.

"We are very excited to have him as we begin the writing process for the NEW OH SLEEPER ABLUM TO BE RELEASED NEXT YEAR! Get excited, because this next Oh,Sleeper album will be unlike anything you have ever heard from us before."

I am certainly stoked BEYOND stoked for the new line up and album. These guys are my absolute favorite and I can't wait to see what these guys have been cooking up in the studio.

For a glimpse at their past work check out these videos:
"Son of the Morning"
"Vices like Vipers"

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