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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Glass Cloud Release New Video

Photo Cred: Caroline Moore Photography

Glass Cloud has gone through some drama this fall with a van accident but this has not affected their spunk.

The band has just finished up the AP Tour, opening for Miss May I and The Ghost Inside, they took footage from the tour and compiled it into a sweet new music video!

The video is for the song "She is Well and Nothing Can Be Ill" and shows them on and off stage during the tour.

The best part of the video is their ULTRA sick guitarist, Joshua Travis with his 8-string. He is one of the most hardcore dudes in the scene.

Check him out shredding right here!!

I also really like frontman, Jerry Roush's shirt that says "Die Old, Live Smoke Free".  It's awesome that he is making that statement about his life especially since he is playing for teenagers and young adults every night.

Their current release is The Royal Thousand check it out on iTunes or on Spotify.

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