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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Frightened Rabbit "Today's Cross" Video

The Scottish quintet, Frightened Rabbit just released their latest record Pedestrian Verse with Atlantic Records.

The band created a video for  their single "Today's Cross" featuring a Jesus-esq main character.

According to Paste Magazine, "The video shows a day in the life of a modern day messianic figure fighting off (pardon the pun) excruciating boredom as he attempts to finish writing The New New Testament before his publisher's due date."

I do not think the band is attempting to make a religious statement, they just had a silly idea and ran with it! And it turned out to be a pretty entertaining video.

To purchase their album in LP, CD, or digital check out their website

FR will also be on tour in the UK and the USA throughout late winter into spring, dates and tickets are available now. 

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