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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Flyleaf "New Horizons" Video

Today the band Flyleaf just released their newest music video for their single "New Horizons".

The song and video is completely different from their previous work. The scenes are not dark or crazy, they are playing in a room and frontwoman, Lacey is in the middle of their circle. Then at the end it goes to her outside with plants and her husband and baby (yeah, totally wasn't aware she was a mother) sitting on a blanket.

After seeing the video it has given me no hope in the band continuing with their harder sound. I loved Flyleaf for Lacey being raw in her vocals and lyrics and this track lacks all of those things.

Hey, maybe I'm wrong! Maybe when their third album comes out I'll be blown away but until then I remain disappointed.

UPDATE!!! So I have had this song on repeat for about 10 minutes now and it is really growing on me. Maybe this less edgy Flyleaf isn't too bad.

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