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Thursday, September 26, 2013

letlive. "Younger" video

letlive. has released their second music video off their latest album The Blackest Beautiful. The song is called "Younger" and has a chant worthy chorus "only the good die young".

Personally I do not like this video at all.  As the video progresses I began to not like it more and more.

First off, I dislike it when people are blatantly bashing on a religious or ethnic group of people. In this they are clearly talking bad about Christians which bothers me.  I understand and respect that the people in this band do not believe in a higher power, that's fine. But disrespecting other people's beliefs is not the way to spread what you believe. Having an "evangelical Christian" being taken hostage and taunted is not the way to go about sharing one's thoughts.

Also the way that they portray the crowd as indecisive turkeys is a bit offensive. I see it as the band saying that people will follow anybody with a big mouth who puts themselves above everybody else. This most likely reflects how they view people who are religious. That all of them just go with the flow and really don't think about what they are hearing or mindlessly practicing.  Some people do not know about the faith they claim to follow but certainly not everybody.

Finally the entire part from when he pulls out the gun to the holding people hostage is the farthest thing from okay! Especially after the mall shooting Nairobi happening this week, I do not find this appropriate at all. Even though it is fake and they clearly show that it is a squirt gun, it's the principle of the matter. Who ever thought that kidnapping people would be funny or cool?

I am typically pretty neutral about letlive. and their music but this really makes me lose respect for them as a band. I do not plan on supporting them from here on out because of this video.

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