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Monday, September 30, 2013

Panic! At the Disco stream new album

Panic! At the Disco is streaming their new album Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die! on YouTube.

The album officially releases next week on October 8th through Fueled by Ramen.

So far I have listened through once and I am far from pumped to give it a second. I have been a fan on Panic! since middle school (I'm currently in university) and I have never been bummed about their albums except for this one. It sounds nothing like the single "This is Gospel" and barely grasps the style of "Miss Jackson" so what I heard was a bit of surprise.

The album has incorporated electronic beats and pop synth which dances along with lyrics about casual sex and Brennan Urie's life as a bachelor in Las Vegas.

As I've stated before I'm not really into electronic kind of music and maybe this just doesn't jive well with my personal tastes.

I'll give it another listen but off just this I am far from into it.

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