Don't Speak English? NOT TO WORRY!

Friday, August 31, 2012


Flyleaf has been putting out music since 2007 with their self-titled album. The last project they released was "Remember to Live" EP in 2010.

They recently released their single "New Horizons" and their video for it will be coming out on September 4th. I'll post the video when it comes out!

I have adored Flyleaf's first two projects ("Flyleaf" and "Memento Mori"), they have been incredibly raw and hard, really heart wrenching. The lyrics for their 2010 EP and this new track aren't very hard at all. The lyrics are still passionate but the sound is different.

I am glad that they are changing up their sound but I am not sure that it is for the better.

Here are some really good Flyleaf videos:
"All Around Me"

August Burns Red Holiday Album

August Burns Red is already getting the ball rolling in promoting their newest project: a Christmas album!

To ABR fans this comes as no surprise since they have been releasing instrumental Christmas singles since 2008. They have done "Carol of the Bells""The Little Drummer Boy""O Come Emmanuel", and "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen".

The album is called "Sleddin' Hill: A Holiday Album" and it is currently up for pre-sale (there is also a sweet t-shirt that you can get for a few bucks more).

They also released their first single for the record called "Flurries". By clicking on that previous link you can listen to the track and it will also take you to the pre-order page.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Sent by Ravens Farewell Video

I previously posted about the 5 piece rock band, Sent by Ravens breaking up. If you haven't seen it check it out on the side bar!

David Childers, a friend of the group, created a farewell video complete with footage from their final show in South Carolina and commentary from the band, friends, and fans on their break up.

You can check out the the video by clicking on the link in this sentence.  It starts a little slow but if you're a big SBR fan you will really enjoy this.

On another note!!! I will be interviewing Jay Bainbridge from Nine Sons of Dan next week!! I am super duper excited!! I will be posting it on my college's news website and then posting that link here on my blog!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Nine Sons of Dan

Nine Sons of Dan is an Aussie rock band that has given me hope in my new job. I have listened to indie and experimental for days and I have finally come across some actual rock!

They jam like: The Almost, Fall Out Boy

Their sound is pop-rock packed with a fun sound that certainly originates from sunny Australia. It is nothing revolutionary but it can lift a "down in the dumps" day in a few minutes of listening.

The quintet has been together since 2008 and released their first EP in 2010 titled "Landslide". And put out a second, "The New Kids", this year with AAA Entertainment.

These dudes are pretty big down under but are still working on getting notoriety here in the States. They are played on over 140 radio stations and have been successful in getting their music out to us Yankees.

You can check out both of their EPs for free by clicking this! You certainly won't regret it!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Keeping Busy

Hey guys! I feel like I haven't posted in forever which makes me kind of sad.

I have been very busy these last few days doing stuff for my new job at my school's radio station (which involves listening to various unknown bands). So I haven't had time to come up with anything worth while.

So what you can expect from this page for the fall season is:
-Album review on Mumford and Son's album "Babel" in September
-Concert review on Uprise Festival
-Concert review on Needtobreathe
- Album review on Anberlin's release "Vital" in October

and probably if I come across a really, really good album during my listening sessions I will do a post about that.

I don't have class tomorrow so I may write something up about something.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Recent Fun Things

Today I was looking around on while working for my college radio station and I found awesome stuff! I am super psyched to share a few new releases in this post.

BUT FIRST! A very brief plug for Indie Vision Music. They used to be a music magazine from 2000 until 2005 when they went to be exclusively a webzine. They cover independent music of the indie, hardcore, and punk genres.

Yes, I know I already did a post on alternative rock band Anberlin, (if you haven't read it, check it out on the sidebar!) but they keep putting out amazing tracks. The band released their second song from their upcoming album "Vital" which drops October 16th. This one is titled "Someone Anyone", the chorus explains the song's purpose very well. "Someone tell me what we're fighting for" which to me sounds like the Occupy movement from 2011. Eventually nobody really knew what they were protesting against, they just wanted to be a part of the sensation.

Second thing. When you add Underoath's Tim McTague, Anberlin's Nate Young, and Reed Murray formerly from Talhart/Marksmen you get the indie rock band, Carrollhood. They recently released their first project to purchase titled "Afraid". You can check out the EP right here.

Electro-pop-rock trio Eleventyseven recently released their latest EP, "Attack of the Mountain Medley" which is a very different sound for the band. Their style is always fun and their songs are usually quite silly complete with upbeat electronic elements accompanied with guitar and drums (examples: "Evil Genius""Love in Your Arms"). This album takes a folk sound which turned out really well.

Lastly, hard rock band Showbread has released a track from their newest album/film project "Cancer" titled "I'm Afraid That I'm Me". The album will be available for free on on September 25th. Until then you can download their other free album "Who Can Know It?" on that site as well.

That's it for this post I swear!

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Needtobreathe is a Southern rock group from Charleston, South Carolina. They have been signed to Atlantic Records since the release of their first album "Daylight" in 2006.

The band has been touring and putting out records for years and they are now just finally getting the respect that they deserve.  The big launch for them was opening for country music star, Taylor Swift in 2011.  This allowed thousands of people to hear their music and finally get them on the mainstream radar.

During that tour they were promoting their latest album "The Reckoning". I recently received this album and re-fell in love with them! While being in the Southern rock genre, some songs have more of a twang than others and some have more rock than others. So their style is a perfect in-between.

With this album they went for different sounds while still maintaining their "Needtobreathe style". The changes in song style have showed their growth as a band and also makes for a great album. To hear a bit more about some of the songs and the general album watch this video (which I will be quoting from).

This is also my first attempt at an album review so hopefully it goes okay.

The first track "Oohs and Ahhs" opens up the album with keys, guitar, and light cymbal tapping. The chorus is very catchy and easy to learn on the first listen. The best part of the song is the wailing horns and the sick bass solo that eases the listener to the end of the track.

Track two, "White Fences" is essentially about the "American dream" that so many people strive to accomplish. In America, the dream is to be successful, live in a big house with a white picket fence with your wife and kids. But in the song it talks about how it is not perfect and that those households fall apart.  

"Drive All Night" is frontman Bear Rinehart's "Bruce Springsteen ode".  Its about letting go of what is going on in one's life and escaping from it for a night. The song in musical structure is a bit similar to the track one, with a slow beginning which climaxes to where all of the instruments are playing together all at once. This song is an incredibly fun toe-tapper which will get any crowd pumped up.

"Slumber"is a softer track with intricate acoustic guitar and a steady bass drum. The end of the song has a xylophone part and gang vocals which are spot on. The video (which is linked here) is silly with the main character exploring outer space in his dreams with a stuffed lamb.

"Keep Your Eyes Open" is one of the best music videos I have seen in a while. It is interesting but not in a creepy or overly insane way. And the song is great also! It opens with classy keys and a thumping bass guitar which drive the entire song. The chorus states, "If you never leave home, never let go, you'll never make it to the great unknown." This encourages listeners to desire to experience new things because if you don't go and see you'll never know what you missed out on.

If you have been a long time NTB fan (like myself) then "Devil's Been Talkin'" will quickly bring you back to their original sound complete with banjos, lower drum sounds, and rock guitar riffs. 

What makes this band excellent is their passion for what they do and more importantly the glorious voice of the lead singer, Bear. Goodness, his voice is beautiful!

I give the album 4 stars. 

Glamour Kills Clothing Fall Sampler

Glamour Kills is a clothing company was started in 2005 by Mark Capiocotto . His studio was in his parents' basement in New York; there he began the company with four t-shirt designs. 

Capiocotto began this clothing line because "Glamour Kills is a bright, youthful brand. When I started the company, a lot of the clothing that was worn in the music community--which we directly market ourselves to--was very dark or all black. That's not us. I wanted to introduce something that was bright, colorful and fun, but not overbearing. No one wants to wear a highlighter on their shirt [Laughs]. We've found the middle ground." (quote from

Throughout the years GK and their flying pig mascot has gained tons of notoriety in the music scene. What helped them in growing was support from bands like: All Time Low, Cobra Starship, and many others. The company also got to go out with Vans Warped Tour in 2009 which allowed thousands of kids to see their creative and fun designs.

Glamour Kills has everything from silly t-shirts with hotdogs on them to fashionable outwear (flannel shirts and coats). They even have dresses for girls! Well I guess boys can wear them too. (There's even GK cruisers.)

Their line of merchandise has grown immensely from when I looked at their website in high school. Then there were a couple t-shirt designs and a tote bag or two. It is so neat to see that they have created so much more and really got their word out to the world. 


The company has come out with a fall sampler which can be downloaded for free right here. It is complied of The Used, William Becket, Handguns, We are the In Crowd and many more!

I downloaded it and you should too.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

My Heart to Fear

My Hear to Fear has been playing shows in my local area since I was 14 years old. My high school best friend and I would go to their shows all the time on the weekends and say, "Ohmygosh they are so cute!"

Those days are long gone and these boys are known for their metalcore sound and insane live performances more than just their looks.

MHTF revived the local music scene in my hometown (and it basically died when they got big) which was great for all of the high school kids to do on Friday and Saturday nights. They played on weekends because of school but once they were finished they got to travel more and more.

They released an EP in 2010 called "A Ship Built to Sink" which had their popular hits: "The War" and "There's a Snake in my Boot".  With this project complete and a few t-shirt designs, the quintet hit the road and went on a cross country tour that summer.

After this tour they had a member change from Brandon Vartenisian, the bands' rhythm guitarist, to Jay Graham.

Since then they released their first full length album this year titled, "Into the Maelstrom".  They also did their first official music video for "The Witching Hour" which was filmed and edited by Ronnie Bingaman of Skyhawk Drive.

They are finishing up their summer tour with a few shows remaining on the list and will probably be posting new dates online in a few weeks.

But seriously check these guys out! They have been working so hard to get where they are today and certainly deserve a record label.

A friend of mine filmed one of their songs live at a local venue, check it: "Dear, Mr.White" (song starts at 2:45)

Monday, August 20, 2012

August Burns Red

A friend of mine had suggested that I do a week of "hometown heros" for my blog. So all week I am going to be promoting bands from my home state who have serious talent. I hope you enjoy!

To start off the week is the metalcore quintet from Lancaster, August Burns Red.

They have made four albums with Solid State Records since 2005. First coming out with "Thrill Seeker". This album has their previous vocalist Josh McManness, who was replaced by Jake Luhrs in 2006. The band also received a new bassist, Dustin Davidson.

In 2007 they came out with "Messengers", which is what really got their career off the ground. Their fan base immensely grew and they got to headline their own tour in 2008.

This album is my favorite of the four. The vocals are dirty, the lyrics are passionate, the guitar solos are sick, and the drums are crazy! Fan favs: "Back Burner" and "Composure".

"Constellations" was released in 2009 and is what boosted them to the popularity level they are at today. They began "playing with the big boys" like Underoath, Emery, and A Day to Remember. They began traveling beyond the States to Asia and Europe.

Favorites off this album are: "Meddler" and "White Washed".

Their most recent project was released in the summer of 2011 titled, "Leveler". With this album the band was going for an "outside of the generic metalcore box" sound. The main track that is quite different from any other is Internal Cannon. This song is packed with harsh vocals, a classic breakdown, and a Latin-esq guitar solo in the middle.

Some other fan favs from the new album are: "Poor Millionaire" and the album opener, "Empire".

I was lucky enough to get to interview these guys back in March for my college newspaper. They were incredibly funny and some of the nicest "famous" people I have ever met.

During the interview one of the members (I can't remember who) asked, "Is this even an interview?" and at the end asked if there was even any useful content for my article. That probably just shows what an amateur I am. :P

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Black Keys Sue Pizza Hut and Home Depot

Photo Cred: Danny Clinch

Life on planet Earth is constantly interesting. Never a dull moment!

Maybe it is different in other countries but here in the good old US of A, we love to sue. The indie rock band, The Black Keys are no exception for fulfilling their American duty.

This Ohio duo is suing Pizza Hut and Home Depot because the companies used elements from their songs "Gold on the Ceiling" and "Lonely Boy" from their 2011 album "El Camino".  Of course this was without their permission.

Alternative Press has a video of "Gold on the Ceiling" and the Pizza Hut commercial for the public's on opinion on the case. Check it here!

Huffington Post did a short article and at the bottom of the page is a Celebrity Bytes video that gives a bit more detail to the matter.

My opinion (at least on the Pizza Hut ad) is that there are clear similarities between their song and the background music. After listening to both I would definitely say that they are copy cats and deserve to get in trouble for their actions.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Ace Augustine Signs with Red Cord Records

Ace Augustine, a hardcore band from my home state, has just been signed with Red Cord Records and are working on their sophomore album.

Ace has not been in the metal scene for very long but they have certainly gone through a lot in a few short years. For most of their career, they were a touring band with an EP  and then finally  in 2011 released their first album "The Absolute". Quickly after the release they declared that they were breaking up. Fans believed this to be the end of a great band who barely got to get their name out there.

Luckily, they pulled themselves back together after the break with a new drummer and now a new singer as well.

Hopefully with this new label they will be able to produce as high of a quality record as their first.

Being a fan of Ace for over a year now, I am skeptical to the dramatic member change. What made this band's music incredible were the vocals and the drums. These new guys better have bring their A game!

Ace Augustine talking about their break up
Lyric video for "Growing Pains" (last song released with the old singer)
Video for "The Merchant Tales"

Friday, August 17, 2012


Anberlin has been in the music scene since 2003 with the launch of their first album "Blueprints for the Blackmarket" with Tooth and Nail Records. They released one more album on T&N called "Never Take Friendship Personal" in '05. This album kickstarted their popularity and growing fan base.

For their third album they teamed up with Universal Records in order to reach even more people with their music. They put out three albums with them (Cities, New Surrender, and Dark is the Way, Light is a Place) and are releasing their sixth titled "Vital" on October 16th.

Today they posted a track from the album called, "Self-Starter" and I am absolutely in love with it! The link that is in the previous sentence takes you to the track and also a short article about the song and how it fits in with the new album.

This song is not your typical Anberlin-esq track. It is harder than their past material, but still has the raw passion that is present in each of their songs.  I love that the band is completely open in progressing in their music and altering their sound a bit for each new project.

I highly recommend checking out their new song (I've been listening to it for a half hour now) and their previous work. "Cities" is my favorite album of theirs but whichever one you decide to listen to will certainly satisfy your rock 'n' roll needs.

P.S.- Since almost every band has a Facebook I am going to link their page at the beginning of each post. If the band has any other exciting things out online I will still post them below.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Inhale Exhale

Inhale Exhale has been around for a number of years. They have released three records with Tooth and Nail Records and now are on the verge of their fourth with Red Cord Records. It is called "Movement" which is available on October 9th.

The band posted a video that has a few clips from the new album to give fans a taste of what they can expect from the album. You can see it right here.

Inhale Exhale was the second hardcore band that I got into (1st was Underoath) back in 2008. I remember playing their sophomore album "I Swear..." on my 1st generation blue iPod nano (which probably had like 4GB) constantly.

With this new album I hope that they show growth from their last album ("Bury Me Alive" which somebody stole from me in high school) and create a larger fan base.

The Chariot

The Chariot has been around 2003 but didn't release their first EP until 2005. They came out with their first full length in 2007 called "Fiancee" and then made two with Tooth and Nail Records in 2009 called "Wars and Rumors of Wars" and 2010 "Long Live".

Now they are with Good Fight Music and they are releasing their most recent project "One Wing" which comes out on August 28th. (Links for pre-orders will be at the bottom of the post!)

In order to get people interested in the new album, they released a track from the album called "in". The song is fantastic! I never got into The Chariot but this song really makes me want to listen more. It is metal and craziness at its finest. Lyrics are great and it musically it is fierce. Harsh vocals, sick drums, and discordant guitar riffs that make any metal head grin.

A friend on mine has seen these guys and said that they were insane!

Click on these links to take you to places that relate to The Chariot:
Pre-Order "One Wing" (multiple bundles with the album and various T-shirts)
iTunes Pre-Order
Interview with the frontman about the album done by Alternative Press

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Yellowcard's New Video

I haven't posted in days and it is certainly time for a post.

Life has been quite busy these last few days which included going to an amusement park, having my last day at my fast food job, and visiting my friends from college.

Like I previously posted, there really isn't any major news going on at this point in the music world (at least in the hardcore and punk scene). Bands are getting ready for their new records to drop in the fall and preparing for their upcoming headlining tours.

Yellowcard has been on the radar in the punk music world since 2003 with their first major single "Ocean Avenue". They just released their most recent project yesterday with Hopeless Records called "Southern Air".

To promote the album, the guys put together a music video for the track "Here I Am Alive" featuring guest vocals by Taylor Jardine from We Are The In Crowd.

The song is about following your dreams no matter what anybody says because there is a chance that they will come true one day. In this case, Ryan Key (frontman for Yellowcard) and Jardine both wanted to be in bands and become famous and it happened for them.

Check out more Yellowcard at anyone of these sites:

Book to the face
Interview of Ryan Key by Alternative Press about the new album
Buy "Southern Air"

I will hopefully have time to listen to the full album and (finally) post an album review.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Mumford and Sons New Release

Mumford and Sons is coming out with a new album on September 24th called "Babel". This album has been anticipation for years and they finally are allowing the fans to get a glimpse of what is coming.

"I Will Wait" has a classic M&S sound, accompanied by beautiful mandolin and acoustic guitar parts. The chorus is one that the crowd will be shouting at shows for years to come.

It is nothing revolutionary I must say, but it is a great song no doubt. It makes me hope that this album shows growth in their music and as well as their lyrics.

If you want to pre-order the album on iTunes, CD, or vinyl and check out the track list go to

Thursday, August 9, 2012

CNN Trying to be Music Journalists

So I must really be out of the world of national news because I was not even aware that there had been a shooting in the state of Wisconsin. Now there are probably tons of shootings that go on daily in the world but what gained the attention of this one was because it was a hate crime. This was done against a religious group that many people in the United States are ignorant to called Sikh. I personally never heard of it, so you can check this link for some info.

I certainly sympathize with the people that were wrongly murdered and hope that justice is brought upon the killer.

But there is another piece of the story that was developed by a man named Lonnie Nasatir, who had written an article about the incident for CNN News. I am not quite sure how the topic of hate music got into his piece about the shooting (maybe because it's being labeled as a hate crime). He falsely accuses a hardcore metal band, Hatebreed, of being a white power band. Their name is certainly misleading which could be the reason that Nasatir made the mistake that he did.

This false accusation lead to Hatebreed and their fans in a tizzy and CNN getting quite a bad rep for not double-checking their facts. (I'm sure I will be learning to check my facts in my journalism classes this fall.)

Since the article was posted online, the band was deleted form the list of white supremacist musicians.

Huffington Post did an article about the incident and associate editor Brittany Moseley from Alternative Press wrote up her thoughts on the scandal.

My thoughts are simply, why did this even happen? Why does a serious tragedy have to cause dumb side drama like this?

MxPx Acoustic

Mike Herrera, lead singer from punk rock band MxPx did an acoustic version of the bands' song "Secret Weapon" at a Guitar Center somewhere on the planet.

You can check it out here!

Yeah, there isn't really anything else exciting going on. I have been super busy with work, my internship, and trying to catch up on sleep so I have had no time to do anything. But I will be posting album reviews, my top favorite bands, and a list of new releases that are on there way this fall.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Natural High

I feel that there is nothing exciting or epic going on in the music world right now. Summer tours are dwindling down, new records are ready to be sent to the local music shop, and that's about it. Since I am low on exciting material I thought I would share something I found on

There is an organization, I guess that's what I'd be called, called Natural High and they promote living off of the natural high of life opposed to smoking, drinking, and drugs. They have regular kids post videos about their own personal natural high and they also have videos of famous people talking about their drug-free lives.

The one that I saw was of Beau Bokan from blessthefall and you can check that out here! I haven't watched them all but I plan on checking out the other ones by: Matt Greiner of August Burns RedLevi Benton from Miss May I, and Switchfoot (one of my personal favorites).

These guys certainly have a point about making the choice to stay out of drugs and drinking. I personally live an alcohol and drug free life and plan to keep it that way.

Hope you guys like these!

Sunday, August 5, 2012


(Photo Cred: Bo Williams Photography)

I love the passionate rock band, Fun. My friend and I used to blast "All The Pretty Girls" from their first album "Aim and Ignite" in his WV Jetta all the time.

Fun. is a unique band with sad and truthful lyrics accompanied with beautifully composed and usually upbeat music to go along with it. Their songs are pleasing to the ear yet they tug on your heart when you hear the depth of  the words. So many of them revolve around loneliness, missing family, and moving on in life.

They played at my college in late winter of this year and it was SUCH an amazing show! (Sorry I don't have any pictures from it.) It was the day after they released their album "Some Nights" so everybody in the crowd stumbled over most of the new songs. When they played their old songs and "We Are Young", the crowd was instantly ablaze in youth and excitement. Certainly one of the best shows that I've ever seen. It was well worth waiting outside for numerous hours in the bone chilling cold.

The frontman Nate has a beautiful voice and has great stage presence and charisma. You can see him in all his glory by clicking on this link.

Wal-Mart filmed them performing live and is showing it on their Wal-Mart Soundcheck page. I hate that Wal-Mart got a hold of fun. (I try my best not to support Wal-Mart but whatever) but as long as people get to experience amazing live music from the comfort of their MacBooks, then let it be!

If you haven't heard of fun. for some reason, check them out at the above link and also at these various places of the Internet:
We Are Young video
Some Nights Intro and Some Nights
All The Pretty Girls (my jam!)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Bands Getting Signed

It always make me happy when I hear about bands getting signed to big name labels like Facedown and Rise Records.

Facedown Records recently signed hardcore band, Ark of the Covenant. They currently have an EP out with First Strike Records and will be releasing their first full length album "Self-Harvest" in November. For more info and music you know what to do -> Facebook

Rise Records signed Further Seems Forever. They will be releasing an indie rock album on October 23rd called "Penny Black".  Click article to read the article!

Excellent Emery Evaluation

The other day I went to the mall with my brother (he is my partner in crime) and we went to FYE because I needed new headphones (I got a pair of Skullcandys and I ADORE them). While there, I picked up a music magazine I had never heard of called Substream Music Press. I began flipping through and saw the beautifully printed pages, high quality pictures, and boat loads of artist interviews (Memphis May Fire, Pierce the Veil, To Speak of Wolves, and Yellowcard to name a few).

This post does have a purpose! They did a review on an Emery show that one of their writers attended in Portland, Oregon a few days ago. They gave them a brilliant review which made me super glad (here is it if you wunna read it)!

My brother and I have been fans of Emery since 2010 and love to hear them receive the applause that they deserve. We have seen them 3 times and each time has been absolutely fantastic! My brother was awarded their drumstick the first time was saw them! These pictures below are from Creation Festival Northeast 2012 (the first one only because my pictures from that show are seriously crap) and the rest are from Uprise Festival 2011.

Toby (frontman) on the HM Stage

Josh Head and I (my fav from the band)
This is Matt who is the guitarist and part of the backbone of Emery
This is Devon Sheldon, who used to be in Emery. He came to play with them because Toby's wife was giving birth. This was a ONCE IN A LIFETIME show! So lucky to have seen it.

 If you are interested in Emery check them out at the multiple links here:

YouTube (tons of music videos which are great)
Their Site

I'll also be adding pictures of Sent By Ravens to their post I did of them (which is a few posts below this one!).

The AP Tour

Hello all! This post is more for those of us living in the United States but all you Russian viewers (this is a shout out to you all) may certainly still read this post.

Alternative Press magazine is going to be starting the pre-sale and sale of tickets for their annual fall AP Tour across the States. The pre-sale is August 7th-9th and the 10th is when regular tickets will be sold. The pre-sale tickets do get a bonus: a one-year subscription to AP and all 3 covers of their Vans Warped Tour issue. There is also a VIP Ticket option which includes: the same two things as the pre-sale ticket holders, a meet and greet with Miss May I, a signed copy of their new album "At Heart", and much more!

The bands that will be on the bill are: Glass Cloud, Amity Affliction , Like Moths to Flame, Ghost Inside, and headlining Miss May I.

For more information, ticket prices, tour dates (they aren't up yet but will be soon!) go to

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Sent By Ravens Break Up :(

Today I received sad news from my brother while I was watching the Olympics (go team USA!) this morning. That Tooth and Nail Records rock band Sent By Ravens has decided to take an "extended hiatus". Which in the music world basically means that they are breaking up.

My brother and I have been listening to SBR since they came out with their first album in 2010, "Our Graceful Words". They have a music video for their single "New Fire", which I fell in love with immediately.

They also recently released a second album in the spring of '12 called "Mean What You Said". This is one of the reasons their break up was such a surprise to me, since they just came out with this new material. It is a great rock album and to catch a glimpse, they have a video for "We're All Liars".

These pictures are form Creation Festival Northeast 2012, the last SBR show I attended. Great show!

For more information on the band and to see their departure post check out their Facebook.