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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

My Heart to Fear

My Hear to Fear has been playing shows in my local area since I was 14 years old. My high school best friend and I would go to their shows all the time on the weekends and say, "Ohmygosh they are so cute!"

Those days are long gone and these boys are known for their metalcore sound and insane live performances more than just their looks.

MHTF revived the local music scene in my hometown (and it basically died when they got big) which was great for all of the high school kids to do on Friday and Saturday nights. They played on weekends because of school but once they were finished they got to travel more and more.

They released an EP in 2010 called "A Ship Built to Sink" which had their popular hits: "The War" and "There's a Snake in my Boot".  With this project complete and a few t-shirt designs, the quintet hit the road and went on a cross country tour that summer.

After this tour they had a member change from Brandon Vartenisian, the bands' rhythm guitarist, to Jay Graham.

Since then they released their first full length album this year titled, "Into the Maelstrom".  They also did their first official music video for "The Witching Hour" which was filmed and edited by Ronnie Bingaman of Skyhawk Drive.

They are finishing up their summer tour with a few shows remaining on the list and will probably be posting new dates online in a few weeks.

But seriously check these guys out! They have been working so hard to get where they are today and certainly deserve a record label.

A friend of mine filmed one of their songs live at a local venue, check it: "Dear, Mr.White" (song starts at 2:45)

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