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Sunday, August 19, 2012

Black Keys Sue Pizza Hut and Home Depot

Photo Cred: Danny Clinch

Life on planet Earth is constantly interesting. Never a dull moment!

Maybe it is different in other countries but here in the good old US of A, we love to sue. The indie rock band, The Black Keys are no exception for fulfilling their American duty.

This Ohio duo is suing Pizza Hut and Home Depot because the companies used elements from their songs "Gold on the Ceiling" and "Lonely Boy" from their 2011 album "El Camino".  Of course this was without their permission.

Alternative Press has a video of "Gold on the Ceiling" and the Pizza Hut commercial for the public's on opinion on the case. Check it here!

Huffington Post did a short article and at the bottom of the page is a Celebrity Bytes video that gives a bit more detail to the matter.

My opinion (at least on the Pizza Hut ad) is that there are clear similarities between their song and the background music. After listening to both I would definitely say that they are copy cats and deserve to get in trouble for their actions.

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