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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Excellent Emery Evaluation

The other day I went to the mall with my brother (he is my partner in crime) and we went to FYE because I needed new headphones (I got a pair of Skullcandys and I ADORE them). While there, I picked up a music magazine I had never heard of called Substream Music Press. I began flipping through and saw the beautifully printed pages, high quality pictures, and boat loads of artist interviews (Memphis May Fire, Pierce the Veil, To Speak of Wolves, and Yellowcard to name a few).

This post does have a purpose! They did a review on an Emery show that one of their writers attended in Portland, Oregon a few days ago. They gave them a brilliant review which made me super glad (here is it if you wunna read it)!

My brother and I have been fans of Emery since 2010 and love to hear them receive the applause that they deserve. We have seen them 3 times and each time has been absolutely fantastic! My brother was awarded their drumstick the first time was saw them! These pictures below are from Creation Festival Northeast 2012 (the first one only because my pictures from that show are seriously crap) and the rest are from Uprise Festival 2011.

Toby (frontman) on the HM Stage

Josh Head and I (my fav from the band)
This is Matt who is the guitarist and part of the backbone of Emery
This is Devon Sheldon, who used to be in Emery. He came to play with them because Toby's wife was giving birth. This was a ONCE IN A LIFETIME show! So lucky to have seen it.

 If you are interested in Emery check them out at the multiple links here:

YouTube (tons of music videos which are great)
Their Site

I'll also be adding pictures of Sent By Ravens to their post I did of them (which is a few posts below this one!).

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