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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Nine Sons of Dan

Nine Sons of Dan is an Aussie rock band that has given me hope in my new job. I have listened to indie and experimental for days and I have finally come across some actual rock!

They jam like: The Almost, Fall Out Boy

Their sound is pop-rock packed with a fun sound that certainly originates from sunny Australia. It is nothing revolutionary but it can lift a "down in the dumps" day in a few minutes of listening.

The quintet has been together since 2008 and released their first EP in 2010 titled "Landslide". And put out a second, "The New Kids", this year with AAA Entertainment.

These dudes are pretty big down under but are still working on getting notoriety here in the States. They are played on over 140 radio stations and have been successful in getting their music out to us Yankees.

You can check out both of their EPs for free by clicking this! You certainly won't regret it!

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